Creating a National Energy Corridor

Published on September 28, 2019

A new Conservative government will create a national corridor to carry Canadian energy and resources from coast to coast. This will create jobs and opportunities while uniting Canadians in our shared potential and prosperity.

A National Energy Corridor will generate economic and social benefits for the entire country by moving oil, gas, hydroelectricity, telecommunications, and potentially accommodating other linear infrastructure. With a single corridor, industry wouldn’t need to submit complicated proposals for every new project.

A single coast-to-coast corridor would:

  • minimize environmental impacts;
  • lower the costs of environmental assessments without sacrificing quality;
  • increase certainty for investors;
  • get critical projects built;
  • and create good-paying jobs.

A new Conservative government will appoint a blue-ribbon task force to provide recommendations within six months of its establishment on how to proceed. The government would then begin to work with the provinces and Indigenous peoples – who would both share in the prosperity this project would provide – to realize this vital coast-to-coast link. Watch Andrew Scheer's announcement here.